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Subscription Dataplan

  • Cancel Anytime
  • No Contracts or hidden fees
  • Unlimited Alerts Globally
  • Automatic carrier switching for the best possible signal
Why Your Sensor Uses A Dataplan
Each sensor has a cellular modem pre-installed with a high performance global simcard. The sensor uses both cellular data and text-message SMS to send alerts to your phone, and needs to connect to global cellular networks.
How Do I Purchase A Subscription Dataplan?
After you setup your sensor, you have a 30 days free trial. Then, you'll be prompted to purchase a dataplan in the app. The first 30 days are free for everyone, then you'll need to pay to continue service and alerts. After paying, there's nothing special you need to do. You're good to continue enjoying the peace of mind that comes with round-the-clock Simtek Sensor protection and monitoring.
You have two options
  1. Monthly plans (bills monthly)
  2. Annual plans (bills annually and save 8%)
Why WIFI Is Not An Option
  • It's easily defeated (unplug WIFI router or cut the electrical power)
  • It's easily hacked and passwords compromised  
  • Limited range, incompatible with most safes 
  • Does not work in remote areas (RVs, Trucks, Boats, Storage)
What if I don't want to pay for the dataplan? 
We cannot guarantee compatibility or service with your own simcard, so it is not recommended but it is an option technically. We are a business that aims to serve our customers with the highest quality product, and we do need to make money to continue investing in the app, the hardware, and the services (this isn't a charity!) If you need support, you'll likely email our support staff to get help. And the money we make from you goes into growing our business and building better products. We are a small American business and appreciate your support! That said, you are able to use your a different simcard. We ask that you inform us via email if you plan to use your own simcard so we can deactivate our pre-installed simcard. Note: Location services will not work with your own simcard, and fallback features may not be available. We have many features only available to our high performance simcard (fallback safety features, carrier selection for best signal anywhere you go, encryption) and we've tried to negotiate the best rate possible. We cannot guarantee compatibility or service with your own simcard, so it is not recommended but it is an option technically.